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Periodical title Year Volume number Language Abstract 
Observatoire de Zikawei - Revue mensuelleFrenchMonthly reports on meteorological conditions in Shanghai (1937-40)
Observatoire de Zikawei - Revue mensuelleFrenchMonthly reports on meteorological conditions in Shanghai (1941-43)
Qing yi bao quan bian 清议报全编ChineseNewspaper founded on 23 December 1898 by Liang Qichao after he was exiled to Japan: its purpose was to introduce Western political theories and democratic ideas to China. Qingyibao was published every 10 days. Each issue included political editorials, news, translations and book reviews. Qingyibao criticized the Qing conservatives headed by Dowager Cixi and praised the Guangxu Emperor who supported radical reform. The mission of the newspaper was to advocate Liang's ideal of constitutional reform. On 21 December 190I a fire destroyed the paper's offices and publication ceased. Source: James Z. Gao, Historical dictionary of modern China (1800-1949), (Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2009), pp. 287-288

清議報是立憲派所創辦的第一份宣傳立憲的刊物,具有開路先鋒的作用。 1898年(光緒二十四年)12月23日創辦於日本橫濱。主編為梁啟超 。設論說、名家著述、文苑、外論匯譯、紀事、群報擷華等欄目。 《清議報》的宗旨、欄目、主要撰稿人、發行等。將《清議報》所有宣傳立憲的文章加以分類整理,用圖表的形式表示出來,使之看起來一目了然。因火災於1901年12月21日停刊。共出100期。其後橫濱新民社曾匯出《清議報全編》26卷,內容多有增刪,編次也有變動.
Qing yi bao quan bian 清议报全编 附錄ChineseNewspaper founded on 23 December 1898 by Liang Qichao after he was exiled to Japan: its purpose was to introduce Western political theories and democratic ideas to China. Qingyibao was published every 10 days. Each issue included political editorials, news, translations and book reviews. Qingyibao criticized the Qing conservatives headed by Dowager Cixi and praised the Guangxu Emperor who supported radical reform. The mission of the newspaper was to advocate Liang's idéal of constitutional reform. On 21 December 190I a fire destroyed the paper's offices and publication ceased. Source: James Z. Gao, Historical dictionary of modern China (1800-1949), (Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2009), pp. 287-288

清議報是立憲派所創辦的第一份宣傳立憲的刊物,具有開路先鋒的作用。 1898年(光緒二十四年)12月23日創辦於日本橫濱。主編為梁啟超 。設論說、名家著述、文苑、外論匯譯、紀事、群報擷華等欄目。 《清議報》的宗旨、欄目、主要撰稿人、發行等。將《清議報》所有宣傳立憲的文章加以分類整理,用圖表的形式表示出來,使之看起來一目了然。因火災於1901年12月21日停刊。共出100期。其後橫濱新民社曾匯出《清議報全編》26卷,內容多有增刪,編次也有變動.
The Chinese Repository11Chinese, English
Report for the year 1859 - Shanghai Municipal Council18600EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Report for the year 1860 - Shanghai Municipal Council18610EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Report for the year 1861 - Shanghai Municipal Council18620EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Report for the half year ending 30th September 1863 - Shanghai Municipal Council18630EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Report for the year 1862 - Shanghai Municipal Council18630EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Report for the half year ending 31th March 1864 - Shanghai Municipal Council18640EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Report for the year 1879 and budget for the year 1880 - Shanghai Municipal Council18800EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Customs Gazette188310EnglishMedical reports for the half-year ended 31st March 1871
Report for the year 1892 and budget for the year 1893 - Shanghai Municipal Council1893EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1893 - Budget 1894 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1894French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Report for the year 1895 and budget for the year 1896 - Shanghai Municipal Council1896EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Report for the year 1896 and budget for the year 1897 - Shanghai Municipal Council1897EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Report for the year 1897 and budget for the year 1898 - Shanghai Municipal Council1898EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Report for the year 1898 and budget for the year 1899 - Shanghai Municipal Council1899EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Report for the year 1899 and budget for the year 1900 - Shanghai Municipal Council1900EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1900 - Budget 1901 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1900French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Report for the year 1900 and budget for the year 1901 - Shanghai Municipal Council1901EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1901 - Budget 1902 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1901French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Report for the year 1901 and budget for the year 1902 - Shanghai Municipal Council1902EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1902 - Budget 1903 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1902French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Report for the year 1902 and budget for the year 1903 - Shanghai Municipal Council1903EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Report for the year 1903 and budget for the year 1904 - Shanghai Municipal Council1904EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1904 - Budget 1905 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1904French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1905 - Budget 1906 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1905French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1906 - Budget 1907 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1906French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Report for the year 1906 and budget for the year 1907 - Shanghai Municipal Council1907EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1907 - Budget 1908 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1907French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Report for the year 1907 and budget for the year 1908 - Shanghai Municipal Council1908EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1908 - Budget 1909 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1908French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1909 - Budget 1910 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1909French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1910 - Budget 1911 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1910French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1911 - Budget 1912 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1911French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1912 - Budget 1913 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1912French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1913 - Budget 1914 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1913French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1914 - Budget 1915 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1914French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1915 - Budget 1916 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1915French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Report for the year 1915 and budget for the year 1916 - Shanghai Municipal Council1915English

The Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1916 - Budget 1917 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1916French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Report for the year 1916 and budget for the year 1917 - Shanghai Municipal Council1916English

The Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1917 - Budget 1918 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1917French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1918 - Budget 1919 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1918French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1919 - Budget 1920 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1919French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1920 - Budget 1921 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1920French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1921 - Budget 1922 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1921French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Report for the year 1921 and budget for the year 1922 - Shanghai Municipal Council1921English

The Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1922 - Budget 1923 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1922French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1923 - Budget 1924 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1923French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1924 - Budget 1925 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1924French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Report for the year 1923 and budget for the year 1924 - Shanghai Municipal Council1924EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Chinese Medical Journal192438English

Statstics for investigating the situtation of industrial accidents during the 1920s in Yangtzepoo(杨树浦),Shanghai.

Monthly Labor Review192419English

An investigation report on Labor Conditions in China by famous sociologist Chen, Ta.

Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1925 - Budget 1926 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1925French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Report for the year 1924 and budget for the year 1925 - Shanghai Municipal Council1925EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1926 - Budget 1927 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française1926French

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.

Report for the year 1926 and budget for the year 1927 - Shanghai Municipal Council1927EnglishThe Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.
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